Monday, December 2, 2013

Monday Motivation, Our Credit: Becoming Secure and Stable

Happy Monday Lipstick Lovers! It is the start of our December and the ending of our year of 2013. Yesterday I woke up and said it is December 1st, and I need new goals and new challenges to make myself better for this month. I keep a journal of my thoughts, my bills, goals and much more. I try to reflect on what I need to improve or what was accomplished within myself even if it is small or a task rather big.

One thing I will be honest about is that I have not always been great with saving, investing or my finances. And still I am no where near where I could or should be but I have improved myself. I find that writing everything down is very helpful such as when a bill is due and the amount, then going back to mark it off as paid or whatever the case may be. When you organize yourself you can understand what is going on with your finances.

I have been holding on to my credit report for some time, and today I decided to print off a brand spanking new one. Credit is so detrimental to our lifestyle and it affects us tremendously when applying for homes, cars and even minor retail credit cards. The first step to fixing our credit is becoming educated with what everything means and admitting that we can work on it unless you already have that 800 credit score. *Closes eyes and wishes* lol! I have been educating myself on the terms of credit and taking notes for improvement.  Free Credit Report is a helpful site in printing and viewing your score and report. Another helpful tool is going to your bank and speaking with a Financial Adviser which can be beneficial in understanding where to begin and what you are looking at when reading your report.

Isn't it amazing what numbers can do to your life? I want to be able to buy my dream home and dream car, I want to be able to relax after retirement, and send my kids to college, I just would like to be debt free. So my motivation to you & I is that WE HAVE TO BEGIN SOMEWHERE AND LET'S BEGIN by BECOMING STABLE AND SECURE so THAT WE CAN DO WHAT WE ALWAYS WANTED TOO!

Lipstick & Love xoxo

Photo Credit: Google,

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