HAPPY NEW YEARS!! The official first day of 2014. I wish you all Good health, happiness, prosperity and abundance. I am excited to see what this year has in store for me and my loved ones. Let's claim betterment and positive progression in all of our endeavors.
I began creating a vision board. A vision board to me is creating what you want to come into your life, the law of attraction, it is putting the pieces together to complete a puzzle. Your finances, budgets, dreams cars and jobs, vacations, education, life with family and friends and it shows the lifestyle and success you want to have. It is the moments that bring about the pounding of your heart, and swear of your palms knowing that you can have and do what it is that you want.
I also wrote down some goals in my journal. I don't make resolutions for the new year, because in reality it's another day with a new date. I believe that working on yourself each day is what needs to be done instead of thinking that a new year will change you. "No new person, just better choices that creates a better me".
I am planning to take Thee Lipstick Canvas to the level I know that it can be on. I am so ready for greatness!
Last year .2013. was an amazing year. There were challenges, obstacles, let downs, and hardships but there were also unlimited happiness, new endeavors, goals accomplished, and so many lessons taught.
I've always stated that mediocrity is not for me. God did not ordain me to be average. I can't limit myself because of how others may feel about me, and if it makes them insecure or not.
Are you ready to be amazing? Well do what needs to be done!
Lipstick & Love, XoXo
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