As I'm sitting here I decided that I should do a post on what I'm thinking of right now before it goes away and I go on about my day. Have you ever thought about how we let others and situations create feelings into our own personal space? We can walk into a room full of individuals and our mood can change so quickly whether it's of happy feelings or bad vibes.
But when I sit and gather my thoughts I realize that we are the only people that can control what affects us and how we react to it. Already having preconceived notions makes it play out in the physical. Everything is centered around our thoughts, and how we have self control over them.
Your space is very important to you or to say the least is should be. It is a place where it all comes together, where you gather yourself, where you do whatever it is that is needed for you. When we lets things and people enter into our space we have to be careful of what kind of energy they will bring into it and it goes for yourself as well; when you enter into others space you have to mindful of the energy that you bring.
Lipstick & Love, XOXO
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