Friday, January 30, 2015

Natural Hair: Heat-Free Styles

Let's talk about this natural hair thing that's going on in my life at this moment. 
So, January 13th I decided that I wanted to go heat free for Atleast three months. Why? Well, I washed my hair and realized that my curl pattern was not anywhere where it used to be. Straightening my hair once and sometimes twice a week has put me in a bind. I can see many straight pieces and I know it's not healthy. So, I decided to find styles to wear while on this journey. One that takes little effort is the bun. 

Products Used: 
EcoStyler Gel: Green Jar
100% pure Jamaican Black Castor Oil
Miss Jessie's Leave in Condish
Toothbrush for those edges (don't judge)
Goodys bobby pins 
Human Braiding Hair 

Another go to style is Perm Rods &  Bantu knots. After a few days I usually pin them up into a pineapple. 

Sometimes I have an epic fail and will brush the curls out before pinning them up for a full fluffy look. 

Things I have learned when transitioning and on a healthy hair journey kick: 

1. Low manipulation- try styles you can wear for a few days. You don't have to brush or comb through your hair everyday. 

2. Dry your hair with a tshirt. This helps your hair from snagging and popping with a rough towel. 

3. Deep condition and make sure to keep your hair moisturized. 

4. Stay awwaaayyy from heat. 

What's your favorite natural style when going heat free? 

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Business Woman Files: Big Business 1587

We are back at it with Business Woman Files. It is my third week doing this and so far I am loving it. It is inspiring not only me but I hope others as well.

So today for Big Business 1587 as I like to call it, I am saluting Arnita Johnson. Arnita is the founder (Credit Consultant) of Luxurious Credit where she helps individuals repair their credit and not only that, but learn to better manage their finances. Her site offers credit tips, credit facts and so much more. I mean honestly who doesn't want to have A1 credit and the bank account to match.

There are so many people in debt in the world today. Whether it's personal debt, school debt, or business debts and so forth. Arnita speaks about being the person who has been in the shoes of so many who was not maintaining their priorities correctly with saving, and credit. So she knows what it feels like and now she can help so many. Not only does she has a website but check out her Instagram where she gives free tips everyday and you can also view many praise reports from clients.

DSC_8659 (arnita johnson's conflicted copy 2014-06-02)

To be honest I was not taught to save money, IRA's, and finances. My mom was a single parent at one point of time taking care of my siblings, my cousins and I. So, maybe she didn't have the money to save or wasn't ever taught. So to say it's been a journey with money and credit for me, is the least. I still have not mastered it yet and I hope to enroll in her program soon.

Don't be the BEAUTIFUL Face with the BROKE BANK ACCOUNT. We can do this! 

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Lifestyle: Searching for Purpose| Vision| Dreams

I don't know about you but I've seen so much growth in myself over the past few years. But, one things is there is still so much more that I want to learn, to do, and discover. Not only in the world, but in myself. PURPOSE is what I've been searching for. I have visions, dreams, and goals but they are all mixed in with the purpose that I am seeking.

Have you ever sat still for a moment and thought "What Am I Doing" or "Why am I not fulfilled in life"? That's because there is something deeper in you waiting to be released. Self- awareness is huge, sometimes I have to say GOD, X-ray my life and find what I need to change or do.

We all have dreams, goals, aspirations that we want to achieve. It is all VERY MUCH POSSIBLE! Believe in yourself and work hard. REMEMBER that everyone won't be there to applaud your forthcoming's but it is not there vision and that is okay. If you have not started on the thing that is eating at you everyday, I'm here to tell you that you better fasten your seat belt and LET LOOSE! I've made up in my mind that I'm not stopping myself and no one else will be either.

Lipstick & Love,


Monday, January 26, 2015

Life Haul Master Class: Courtney (ThinknGrowChick) & Myleik (CEO, Curlbox)

Last Night, Blogger Courtney of ThinkNGrowChick and CEO Myleik held a Life Haul Master Class on Google Hangouts and to say that it was great is such an understatement. Can we say EMPOWERING, MOTIVATIONAL, INFORMATIVE...


I was sitting at the computer taking notes and texting my friends many of her statements. By the end of the night I just had to tell them Goodnight because I know they were tired of hearing me. When you are motivated and inspired at times others won't understand the way that you feel and it is okay. I have to remind myself that it is not anyone else's vision other than mines. 

I just want to state some pointers that she spoke on last night that really stuck with me.

1. Have your MINDSET together.

2. She states she is not lazy and she is competitive. Sleeping in has a big impact on your life.

3. Don't have too much pride where you feel as if you can't do something that your coworkers do. i.e, take out the trash.

4. Learn that if people do not like you, it has nothing to do with YOU. 

5. You will often be OVERWHELMED. But you rather be overwhelmed with your business than being broke and not able to pay bills.

6. When you start GIVING, the MONEY CHASES YOU.

7. Jobs will put you in a salary mindset.

8. College sometimes have you thinking in a limited way. If you take this and this then you can make $60,000/year when some people bring that income in monthly.

9. DO NOT get off of your SCHEDULE.

10. Start trying to figure out ways to INCREASE your INCOME.

11. DON'T put things off.

12. Get your FOOT IN THE DOOR and GO OFF!! Those chances lead to more opportunities.

13. When people come to you with their issues, POLITELY HAND THEM BACK!

14. Black women spend the most on hair products, and services. 

15. Maintain relationships with people, whether it's old coworkers or friends. You never know who may be of help.

16. You should ALWAYS be SAVING MONEY. Save money so that you don't have to put up with other's bullsh** and so that you can have freedom.

If you want to see the video or read the notes from last night's Master Class, head over to

Let me know your thoughts and which number was your favorite on thee list!

Lipstick & Love,


Sunday, January 25, 2015

Seccurrittyyy: Speaking Positivity in your life.

Every morning when I walk into work there is the security guard opening the doors for everyone. He greets you with a smile on his face and as always his favorite words "Come On In". What I love about the security guard is that he is always so positive and upbeat. He is an older man but he doesn't seem to let his age stop him at all. Every morning I may ask him "How are You" and his words are always phenomenal. I give out a slight chuckle and say Great and head to the elevator to tackle a day  + night work shift.

I say all of this to say that each day you awake, each day you rise you set the tone for how your day will go. You speak the words of your day into the atmosphere. It is said that we are transformed by the renewing of our mind. The words that we speak turn into the emotions that we act upon.  I know that I am guilty of this myself. At times I may say something that will only defeat me and cause my emotions to go in a whirlwind whether it's as simple as it's going to be a long day, or I can't do this.

Start learning to chop off negativity as soon as it hits your mind. Don't ponder on it because once you do that will stick to you and then you may add more doubt and negativity on top of it all day long. Began to speak what you want in life everyday, speak great things about yourself and others even when you do not feel like it. Eventually you will see that it pays off and you start to believe in it a little more each day.

I challenge you this week to wake up and speak blessings, abundance, happiness and prosperity over your life. Instead of groaning that it's Monday, state that it is a new week for new purpose and new opportunities. Watch how you feel after you continue to do it. I am also challenging myself as well. I want to hear how it goes, so let me know in the comments box.

Lipstick & Love,


Lifestyle: Breakfast Meal

On the weekends, cooking breakfast is a priority. If I'm not fixing breakfast, we usually order or go out for a morning meal. One favorite of mine is egg whites. They are quick to make and you can add so many items to make a full meal. I've become fascinated with mushrooms lately and love to eat them. 

When making an egg omelette, spinach and salsa is a must. Add in cheese, and viola! You are ready to devour. 

Meat is a great add on to your egg omelette as well. Lately, my go to meat has been turkey sausage. I use olive oil to cook it up and add flavor and pop it right onto my skillet. 

The end result :) Also the toast is organic bread with trader joes cookie butter for a sweet treat. P.S. , don't judge the paper plate chronicles. What's your favorite breakfast meal? Remember that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Whether it's a fully cooked meal or a smoothie grab something before heading out for the day. 

Thursday, January 22, 2015

Big Business 1587: Business Woman Files

Today I would like to officially, unofficially introduce myself into the Big Business 1587. You might say that it's sort of cliche' or arrogant to salute myself into the Business Woman Files. But, if I don't believe in me, then who will?

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I thought over and over as to who should be next, and something kept saying YOU, ERICA! So let's jump right in. I am a 28 year old Medical Instructor, Mommy, Blogger, and so much more. I am just an average woman like anyone else. No, I'm not the most successful or very well known nationally but I push myself everyday to become a better me.

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I work hard and don't settle for mediocrity because that's no fun right? I'm pushing it to the limits because that's what life is about. It's pushing yourself each and everyday for your true purpose even when you are frustrated, even when you are doubting yourself, and even when you just don't feel like you can.

I've lost myself, I've found myself and I'm still soul searching for who I am really destined to be each day.... Believe me you, I don't look like what I've been through or Who I've been before.

I'm a woman who loves her little family, loves to laugh, I'm funny and I can be a total BRAT at times. I love Makeup, Fashion, Inspiring and just everything about being a Woman. It's who I am!

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I am not defined by what I have or do not have. I can't be defined by other's opinions. I am merely on a journey of Purpose and Power and I won't stop until I am fulfilled.

Through this blog |THEE LIPSTICK CANVAS| I want to inspire many women, provide tips whether it's lifestyle, beauty, fashion and so forth. It's a place to come and create our own dreams and chat over the latest. So I hope that although you are seeing the beginning stages of my passion that you will ride with me the entire way.

Love & Lipstick ~ Erica

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Lifestyle: Habits

plural noun: habits
  1. 1.
    a settled or regular tendency or practice, especially one that is hard to give up.
    "this can develop into a bad habit"

There are many habits that one can develop. We all have good and bad habits. I won't speak for everyone, but I know that I do. Our daily tasks in life creates the habits that we form. Keeping those great habits breeds success but it takes a lot of discipline, consistency, and hard work. Whether you realize it habits are formed everyday so we should be careful in the tasks that we daunt in consistently (if bad).


Each day continue to create habits that will help to become a BETTER YOU! 

Friday, January 16, 2015

Lifestyle: Fitness & Health

Can I be honest? I can be honest right? LOL. It would not be me if I wasn't. First let me scream "HAPPPYYY FRIDAY" and next let me just tell you how I've gained weight, and even a few more extra pounds since the holidays. As I'm sitting here at my desk I feel like I need a detox a.s.a.p. You know those days where you feel as big as a house? I've been feeling that way this entire week and it's no fun at all.

So let's just talk health and fitness for a moment.....

Health is one of the most important factors in our life. It can be a matter of life and death. A lot of people, including myself are still getting by with eating lots of processed food and barely exercising. Now there are many other individuals who have taken hold of their life and feel amazing because they work hard every day. Health is just not about not getting sick, it's about having energy to complete day to day tasks. It's about eating a well balanced meal with fruits and vegetables and staying clear of anything that is not good for your body. Exercise is known to relieve stress so some people do not do it just for weight loss, they exercise to stay motivated and energized.

Detoxing the body for a few days can rid it of toxins and wastes that are weighing you down. Juicing whole vegetables and fruits are a way to detox. I'm looking into purchasing a juicer but I have to really stick with it. I am a person who has tried over and over and had to start again because I have stopped. It is not easy but it will never be unless I continue to try and push through it. I am at the heaviest weight I have ever been (besides my pregnancy) and it is uncomfortable. Friends tell me that I look great, but in reality that isn't the feeling for me. My ideal weight is 135 and I will get back to it. No more time for greasy french fries, loaded baked potatoes and sugary juices.

Some amazing fitness inspirations are.....

1. @embraceface Her transformation in a year has been impeccable. Follow HER!

2. @estellearcher She has a new fitness place called #SweatBox and she is helping individuals to take back their life. She also transformed herself because she was tired of not living a healthy lifestyle.

3. @angelasimmons The daughter of Rev Run. Fitness is her life. She trains hard and eats healthy and is such an inspiration.

4. @Vitaminellen & @Lanagem Mother & Daughter duo has taken the fitness world by storm not only in Atlanta but around the world with their 21 day challenge's. They are the founders of Black Girls Workout Too dvd's which I own both and they are amazing.

The time is now to get in shape, to eat healthy, and to commit to a better lifestyle. I know that I won't regret it and it will be one of the best decisions that I could ever make. No Excuses, More Work!

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

BIG Business 1587: Business Woman Files

We are back at it today with BUSINESS WOMAN FILES. This woman is THEE to me and many others. Better known as she would like to say "Mother." Today I salute AprilDivahStyles as the BIG BUSINESS WOMAN. Can we say humble, driven, down to earth and a BEAUTY!! Listen to me acting as if I've met her in real life, lol. I have not met her yet but she will be someone that I would like to meet.

Instagram photo by aprildivahstyles - This is still @bdazzlediserika hacking my sisters page,.. Shhhhhhh... Don't tell her but she is so bomb💣💣💣💣 I ❤️ Her! Follow me  #imakecupcakes lol

Baltimore Bred she states how she has once lost everything and now she has gained it all back, plus more. She's an entrepreneur, owns a hair salon (also hair company, Divah Glam Hair) and barber shop. She also shows her amazing side of being a mommy and a wife.

January 18th, 2014 will be a BIG day for her as she will be having a full out event that you do not want to miss if you are in the area. 100K networking event is $100, 1000 times. It will be a networking event with the best of the best in the building. I must say she is someone that you can learn from and definitely want to follow. She is a Motivator.

Sunday, January 11, 2015

Wish List: Huetiful Hair & Facial Steamer

I'm always talking about what I want, what I want, what I want. A bad habit that I have is impulse spending which I will not brag on at all. It is the worst thing ever. So, I've decided that a wish list is better. Things that I would like to have so that I can save up and splurge on when the time is right.

One product that I have been eyeing for a very long time is the Huetiful Hair & Facial Steamer

The mastermind behind the steamer is Ken Burkeen. The steamer is a product that hydrates and strengthens your hair. It is great for women with very dry hair because it basically restores moisture to your scalp and hair shafts.

I am a person who has a very dry scalp. I suffer from dandruff and psoriasis, so moisture does not stay with me for too long. I'm always having to go a day with very oily hair because after a while my scalp is screaming for some type of moisture. Also, having break outs on my face this steamer would be great for hydrating my skin. Using this product after tight masks could help to reduce the irritation and redness of my skin replenishing it again.

If you log on to the behuetiful webpage you can find out more information and tips. This will definitely be apart of my wish list and I can't wait to share with you all the results once I have purchased the product.  (Information Credit Below: behuetiful website)

The science behind how it works

When your hair is dry thirsty the best thing for it to drink is water. Hydration strengthens your hair and improves manageability. 
1. Start by shampooing and conditioning your hair; leaving your favorite conditioner in your hair for 5 minutes 
2. Sit under the Huetiful Hair Steamer for 15-20 minutes without a cap on. The steamer will automatically shut off when done 
3. The warm steam naturally lifts up the hair cuticles (Note: hair cuticles are like shingles covering a rooftop)
4. By lifting the hair cuticles, your conditioner can more deeply and effectively penetrate into every strand of your hair (moisturizing)
5. The steam will also be infused into the hair shaft (hydrating)
Watch and Read Reviews from celebrity stylists and popular hair and beauty editors. 

Saturday, January 10, 2015

BIG BUSINESS 1587: Business Woman Files

I've decided to do weekly files on the Business Woman. I'd like to call it BIG BUSINESS 1587. Why you may ask? It is because a business woman isn't some small subject to speak on. It's a woman who is passionate about what she does, a woman who puts her all into her business whether it's her own brand or a career that she is pursuing. A woman who balances life and business on a daily basis. The Big Business Woman is a person that we all can look up to and follow in their footsteps. She is someone who does not mind helping others by lending out her own tips, having seminars and just paving the way. Today I SALUTE BIG BUSINESS WOMAN @Glambar ....

Image Credit : @Glambar Instagram

I have been following @glambar for a while now and she has been one of the most intriguing and inspiring individuals and she is a POWER MOM in my eyes. As a mother of a young boy I love to see how much she spends time with her family and her son and captures the beauty in all of their moments together.

Glambar, Sabrina also shows how she took her downfalls and found the blessing in everything. She is the founder of Glam University and she aims to empower and uplift young and older women. If you are not already following her, I suggest you do so. Also, if you are in the Atlanta area be sure to attend one of her seminars or the GirlPower Sleepover. She is a motivator!!

Thursday, January 8, 2015

Beauty Favorites

 I must admit that I am kind of a product junkie. Wait, let me be honest I AM A PRODUCT HOARDER. I love trying new beauty and hair products. Healthy Skin, enhancing beauty, and healthy hair is important. But, also it is very fun and intriguing when you purchase a new product and it is one the best things you've tried in a while.

So, let's talk about some of my favorites.....

 Neutrogena Face Wipes ROCK OUT! They are great for removing makeup but also moisturizing.
 An Oldie in my stash but TRESemme heat protectant is a must have. It is wonderful for my natural hair that is frequently blown out. Before I blow out my tresses, I use the spray and before flat ironing as well.
Milani Teddy Bare Lipstick is a go to lippie. It is on the nude side but has a warm brown tone which I love. It's great for everyday wear.
 ELF cream eyeliner in brown is a new product that I have been playing trial and error with for a few weeks. I actually use this eyeliner as a brow filler. I'm not into heavy dark brows so I am really light handed when applying this liner to my brows.

These are only a few products that are in my makeup bag and shelf. Let me know what products you are loving at the moment.



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