I thought over and over as to who should be next, and something kept saying YOU, ERICA! So let's jump right in. I am a 28 year old Medical Instructor, Mommy, Blogger, and so much more. I am just an average woman like anyone else. No, I'm not the most successful or very well known nationally but I push myself everyday to become a better me.
I work hard and don't settle for mediocrity because that's no fun right? I'm pushing it to the limits because that's what life is about. It's pushing yourself each and everyday for your true purpose even when you are frustrated, even when you are doubting yourself, and even when you just don't feel like you can.
I've lost myself, I've found myself and I'm still soul searching for who I am really destined to be each day.... Believe me you, I don't look like what I've been through or Who I've been before.
I'm a woman who loves her little family, loves to laugh, I'm funny and I can be a total BRAT at times. I love Makeup, Fashion, Inspiring and just everything about being a Woman. It's who I am!
I am not defined by what I have or do not have. I can't be defined by other's opinions. I am merely on a journey of Purpose and Power and I won't stop until I am fulfilled.
Through this blog |THEE LIPSTICK CANVAS| I want to inspire many women, provide tips whether it's lifestyle, beauty, fashion and so forth. It's a place to come and create our own dreams and chat over the latest. So I hope that although you are seeing the beginning stages of my passion that you will ride with me the entire way.
Love & Lipstick ~ Erica
I'm riding!!