Sunday, March 29, 2015

Hairstyle: The Cut Life

I had been contemplating for a few months on my hair. I knew I loved my natural hair that is frequently blown out, but I knew I wanted some extra sass to myself. My first thought was a tapered curly fro. Now mind you I have not had a short cut since my shaved sides a few years ago. 

Well you know what the saying is "When a Woman cuts her hair, she is about to change her life" 

I've been craving change and betterment so I decided to chop my hair off, AGAIN! 

Now the initial style was a doozy to me. So I've been playing around with it a lot. Mind you short hair does require maintenance and upkeep. 

And, I have to get use to it. At first I wanted to drown in tears, thinking what did I just do?! But so far it's growing on me hour after hour... 

You like? What style have you been afraid to try? Or what style did you go for ? Let me know your thoughts ... 




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