Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Lipstick Liner: Chats

It's been a long Tuesday with these past days of bad weather and you know the daily twists and turns we endure each day. But I'm not going to complain because I made it through the day maybe a little bumps and bruises not in the figurative speech but heyyy I can still lay in a warm bed and rest. In life we have to be grateful and see the good in everything even when it doesn't seem like it. Because many people may be going through worst and would trade places with you and I in a heartbeat. 

Today I took a step and decided to make light of a situation that lingered for months. Just a few words to someone and a weight was lifted off of my chest. I have held grudges, stopped talking to individuals and things of that nature but it takes too much energy to water a negative situation than to just make light of it and then let it be. Actually when I think of it I took many steps to just smile and speak with individuals that I haven't spoke too starting with my Saturday outing. 

Sometimes when we are transitioning in our lives, when we are stepping into a new journey we don't even realize that the steps necessary to move forward takes looking back and fixing things before proceeding. It's like a hot air ballon you won't float to the top with a lot of baggage weighing the ride down. Your attitude determines your elevation. 

Dear Old Me,

There is a new me that has opened the door to new beginnings. 

You can't live here any longer. 

With Love, Lipstick & Laughter, XOXO 

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