Well Hello, Monday. We meet again. It's been awhile since my last post but I have been busy with my work and personal life. So I got great news and I'm taking a leap of faith into a new job role and I'm both very nervous and equally excited. I've realized that you have to take yourself out of your comfort zone and be uncomfortable at times in order to grow. While they say the grass isn't greener on the other side, we won't know until we shift ourselves to see.
Life is a juggle, a struggle but it has beauty and lessons in each of those. We have to be willing to let go of our comfortable ways. Each day, each mistake is an opportunity to become better. Faith of a mustard seed is all you need. Sometimes we feel we need more confirmation from others or we need this and that when it all could be so simple at times. Believe in you!!
Honestly, I slack more often than I should and one of my goals has been to push myself even when I don't feel like doing something. I'm trying to be consistent in so many areas of my life because I know it's very beneficial to me. I have been trying on the weekends to get out of bed and make it up when I do so that I don't become confined and have a lazy weekend. What are some steps you take to jump start your days or weekends off?
This weekend I went to a friends housewarming party and I must say that I enjoyed myself. I hardly get out or hang with friends donut felt good to do so.
What goals do you have in mind this week? I wish you all love, laughter, and lipstick!!
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