Monday, November 25, 2013

Monday Motivation : Thankful

Happy Monday! Today I am THANKFUL. It is a new week, a new day and new beginnings to what your heart desire. Not just this week but everyday we should give Thanks. Since Thanksgiving is approaching, I just wanted to ask you all WHAT ARE YOU THANKFUL FOR?? It is a time that we get to celebrate with our family, and friends and come together. We have our family in the kitchen, and we are wondering what is on the menu, and will our aunt bring over her special pies? Some of us aren't as happy during these holidays due to not having a close knit family, or missing a loved one that you wish was here with you to celebrate this time. I, myself lost my grandfather one year ago around this time so I have been thinking about it, and my family is not one that always gather around the table and come together, so at times I get down around the holiday season. BUTTTTTTT...... I've took it upon myself to change my mindset this year, and guess what NO MATTER WHAT the circumstance is or what my situation looks like, I'M GOING TO BE THANKFUL.

We all have a lot to be thankful about, just think of the little things in life, We woke up in a warm home, we are able to do the things some are not, and  we have the opportunity to create how we want our day to go, we can smile, and we can turn anything into being positive. Just think of it this way, there is someone out there who wishes for what we may have, who wishes to even get a meal or too see family.It is heartbreaking, and although we may be going through something, we can be in a worst situation.

We create our atmosphere and our attitude. We can create an amazing day by simply waking up and saying to ourselves "Today will be great."  So with this week, take an approach to be thankful for everything. Greet others with a smile, and be nice to anyone who crosses your path because you never know what they may be going through. Extend a good deed!

Lipstick and Love xoxo

Photo Credit: Google

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