Friday, December 26, 2014

If you don't build your own DREAMS.....

   You know the quote that states "If you don't build your own DREAMS, someone will hire you to help build theirs?"

What does this quote mean to you when you read it? Does it make you draw back and think about your own life or are you taking the necessary steps to build your own DREAM?

I walked into work today, the day after CHRISTMAS and as I got out of my car in the cold weather still very tired, I said to myself WHYYY? Why do I have to keep going into someone else's dream job day after day tired, dragging, and feeling like my dreams are just at a stand still.

Many times we push our goals to the side because of doubt and fear. We are afraid of failing and it hinders us from even taking the initiative to get started. Or once we do start then we stop. I remember as a kid I had so many dreams, I always knew that I was designed to be GREAT. But, as I've grown a lot has changed. Each day I battle with what my purpose is and why I'm not living my to my full potential. The potential that I know for a fact is inside of me fighting to come out of it's shell.

Are you feeling the same way? What passions and desires do you have that you are sweeping under the rug?

We live in a world now where there are so many women out here building their dreams and branding themselves that we all can do it. It's going to take a lot of blood, sweat and tears. It will be days that we want to throw in the towel and give up, but we have to remember that the ending will be much greater that our beginning. Let's stop wasting time, Let's knock down the door of fear and procrastination. 2015 will be the year that we see our Dreams Flourish into something that we would have never imagined. You READY B? LET'S GO!

Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Lipspiration: Uplift

Around the holidays, many people are down and depressed. A contribution of many factors could be the cause of the feelings. They are away from their loved ones, they have lost loved ones, money situations, and so much more. We see individuals stressed because they aren't able to afford to have many presents under the Christmas tree for their kids, they didn't have any meals to place on their table for Thanksgiving, and they are bringing in the New Year with a pile of bills and debt from last year. It happens year after year.

As I'm writing this post I had to stop and pray and worship GOD. Why? Because so many people are trying to fight a battle when they should just BE STILL. PRAY! PRAY! PRAY!!! No matter what the situation feels or seems like, Keep Praying. Break Chains, Destroy Yokes, GOD is on your side!! :)

If you are down right now just know that you are not the one because there are others out there feeling the same way that you are. I just pray that I can Inspire someone today or any day. If you are having any negative thoughts start to speak positive in your life. I am BLESSED, I am here to SERVE a PURPOSE another day, I am SANE, I speak CLARITY and PEACE in my/your LIFE. Just replace those words with betterment. Go around others who are happy and smiling to uplift your spirit. Speak with someone about your thoughts and feelings.


Beauty Products: Beautiful Skin

                                              Image Credit: Google Images 

There was a time that I can remember when my skin was so clear. It was free of blemishes and pimples, even when it was that time of the month. About a year ago my face started to break out tremendously and I had no clue why. What was this thing called adult acne? Many factors caused this to happen such as oral contraceptives, hormones, growth, stress, etc. I did not know what to do or how I should combat my skin ,because I was not use to using any kind of cleansers or specific products. I was always just using warm water and cocoa butter. 

Now, let me tell you that I have tried so many products on the market. I even went to a dermatologist who prescribed medications such as Solodyn and Epiduo, which I used for awhile. Epiduo made my skin feel like it was literally on fire some days. I've also received peels and facials at the spa. 

So let's just face forward to NOW. I've decided to try and use as many natural products and stick to a simple regimen to see how my face would react. So here is the key....

1. Bentonite Clay Mask + Apple Cider Vinegar mixed with equal parts. I usually try and do this once a week, every Sunday. Keep this on for 5 to 15 minutes and rinse with warm water. This has been the best thing I have ever invested in for my oily, sensitive, and acne prone skin. I see a huge difference in my hyper-pigmentation and my skin looks so much better. Hardly any breakouts. 

2. Aveeno Clear Complexion & Aveeno Brightening Cleanser, I use them everyday in the shower. This has also brightened my skin and lightened my scars from pimples.

3. Neutrogena Face Wipes are great to use at night before going to bed and before cleansing your skin. They are also great for those lazy nights. Make sure to always remove your makeup before going to sleep. 

4. Grapeseed Oil, I use this to moisturize my oily skin. I don't usually rub this in but pat it in my skin after cleansing. It is also a great product to remove makeup. 

5. Olay ProX is my favorite tool to use. After cleansing with my hands one time, I then proceed to use the ProX to cleanse and exfoliate a second time. I use this product on a daily basis. 

Everyone skin is different and does not react to each product in the same way. But, I advise you to try some of these products if you are suffering from any sort of Problematic Skin and let me know of the results. It may take a few months for you to see a difference but stay patient and consistent. 

Sunday, December 21, 2014

Lipstick & Lunch: Cooking 101

During the colder months, we all like those hearty warm meals to keep us full and feel homey. I decided to make Chicken and Dumplings for the first time. 

I snagged a Crockpot recipe from Pinterest.The ingredients called for Chicken Breasts, Cream of Chicken Soup, Chicken Broth (not pictured) and Biscuits ( I opted for home style noodles). 

It was very easy to cook, I mixed all ingredients in the crockpot except for the noodles and then once the chicken had cooked overnight I took it out and shredded it. Later, I decided to just grill up a few more pieces and add them to make the dish even more hearty. 

It's going to be Sunday Dinner. I can't wait to try it out :) What's your favorite cold seasons meal? 

Saturday, December 20, 2014

Discouraged, Motivation, Authenticity

Today I was thinking of a new topic to post and I became discouraged. The first thing that came to my mind was, You want this so bad Erica but you aren't putting your all into it. I fumbled over social media and began to compare myself. WHAT A MISTAKE! Want to know why? Comparison is a false sense of actually being an authentic you. We look at others lives and become discouraged by their photographic posts of a lifestyle that they portray. 

Discouragement is reality. Everyone gets frustrated with life. We think of what we don't have or what we could do better. What we should focus on is how far we have came and what we already have. Planning our life is important, but as humans we have to remember that everything does not go as planned. 

I believe that social media has turned many people into monsters. We idolize others by materialistic matters nowadays. We look at others and wonder why do they get to have a certain lifestyle and then we become discouraged at our life. 
The simple fact is that motivation is a meaningful attribute, but make it worthwhile to become an authentic you. Become motivated with the person that God created you to be. If you become discouraged because you aren't like someone else, then you won't ever truly be happy. 

Motivate yourself in all of your dreams and you will reach your true destiny! 

Friday, December 19, 2014

Natural Hair: Let's Style

You've taken 1000 selfies but don't like any of them? This is the result of what happened to me. What about when you have tried a new hairstyle and don't really know if you like it or not? *Closes Curtain* 

So I decided to try the two strand twist out. I love how it really looks on some of the natural hair gals. I'm natural myself but I prefer a blow out 99% of the time. But, with very fine hair,  the heat is not always good. My hair has been shedding a lot lately so I decided to try the twists. 

I first oiled my scalp with Alphogee oil and then cowashed with AsIAM Cowash Conditioner. To style I applied Argon Oil, with the LottaBody Shea & Coconut Oil Line. I am loving the Hair Milk and Mousse. I applied about 26 to 30 two strand twists away from my scalp and used perm rods. 

I must say that I thought it was an epic fail but I received so many compliments. I fluffed the curls out for more volume and for the second day I pinned it up and fluffed again. I am excited to try the twist out method again really soon. 

What are your favorite products to use and what's your secret method to a perfect perm rod twist out? 

Wednesday, December 17, 2014


Image Credit:

Ever felt like you were stuck on a battle field? Dressed in full Armour while staring the opponent right in the eyes and ready for War. But, you were actually tired and ready to give up. All you wanted to do was Surrender, and say " I can't fight any longer" or "I won't allow you to fight with me any longer."  This is the life of so many, maybe even ourselves.

We fight a daily battle whether it is as small as getting dressed for the 9 to 5 work shift, taking care of our family, or just our self insecurities that we are working on. You know what I've learned? Our problem is just that, we think that we are fighting the battle by ourselves. Honest truth is that we serve a GOD who fights our battles for us each and every day. Sometimes, we have to learn to just BE STILL. We have to SURRENDER ourselves to GOD. Give it all to him, and LET GO. Ask GOD to use you, and XRAY your life to find treatment for the complications.

I'm not perfect, I'm so far from it and I am learning myself AGAIN. I am learning to let go of my past mistakes, simply put even my yesterday. Today is a NEW DAY. I can no longer be a prisoner to my own mind, held captive by thoughts and actions. I will no longer allow negativity, insecurity, doubt and fear dictate my life. Let's start to believe more in ourselves. I want you to remember this ....

Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate.
Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.
It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us.
We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant,
gorgeous, talented, fabulous?
Actually, who are you not to be?
You are a child of God.
Your playing small does not serve the world.
There is nothing enlightened about shrinking
so that other people won't feel insecure around you.
We are all meant to shine, as children do.
We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us.
It is not just in some of us; it is in everyone.
And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously
give other people permission to do the same.
As we are liberated from our own fear,
our presence automatically liberates others.
(  Poem Credit ) -Marianne Williamson 




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