Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Lipstick Chats: Depression, Worth, Self-Esteem

Geesh , I've had to edit the the first sentence over and over, so Happy Thursday Beauties, it's been a long but great week for me!... I've decided that I want to start a topic titled "Lipstick Chats." We will discuss everything that you can think of  in these chats, and I believe that they will be very helpful and inspiring, not only for myself but to others as well. 

As I always say, this blog is very transparent. No use of sugar coating or masking important subjects that individuals come across on a daily basis. 

One topic that stays in silence is DEPRESSION. Depression is a huge factor that has hit many individuals and many people still struggle with it day to day. It can be because they feel lost in life, they have a  partner or family members who makes them feel worthless, they hate their job, or they can't get out of the rut that they have been in for years. Whatever it is, I want to inspire you to KEEP PUSHING and KEEP MOVING FORWARD. 

There are many signs of Depression, take a look at this list below. 

  • Feelings of helplessness and hopelessness. A bleak outlook—nothing will ever get better and there’s nothing you can do to improve your situation.
  • Loss of interest in daily activities. No interest in former hobbies, pastimes, social activities, or sex. You've lost your ability to feel joy and pleasure.
  • Appetite or weight changes. Significant weight loss or weight gain—a change of more than 5% of body weight in a month.
  • Sleep changes. Either insomnia, especially waking in the early hours of the morning, or oversleeping (also known as hypersomnia).
  • Anger or irritability. Feeling agitated, restless, or even violent. Your tolerance level is low, your temper short, and everything and everyone gets on your nerves.
  • Loss of energy. Feeling fatigued, sluggish, and physically drained. Your whole body may feel heavy, and even small tasks are exhausting or take longer to complete.
  • Self-loathing. Strong feelings of worthlessness or guilt. You harshly criticize yourself for perceived faults and mistakes.
  • Reckless behavior. You engage in escapist behavior such as substance abuse, compulsive gambling, reckless driving, or dangerous sports.
  • Concentration problems. Trouble focusing, making decisions, or remembering things.
  • Unexplained aches and pains. An increase in physical complaints such as headaches, back pain, aching muscles, and stomach pain.
We may know someone or we may have been the person suffering from depression or noticed the signs. Life can hand us our own ass sometimes but what I want you to realize is that DO NOT LET ONE BAD DAY, or ONE BAD SITUATION MAKE YOU THINK THAT YOU HAVE A BAD LIFE! Get out around people who make you smile, who keeps you uplifted. Rid yourself of anything that does not deposit into your happiness. Listen to others, that may be all that they need. And smile, You're Worth Everytrhing that you think you are. 



Wednesday, April 8, 2015

BIG Business (Woman Files) 1587: Want to be FEATURED on THEE BLOG?


Besides my love for beauty and skincare, this blog is solely based on Lifestyle. I consider myself a (Newly Founded) Business Woman with a  Lifestyle and Beauty/Skincare Blog. It's not always easy being a woman and creating a business, especially an African-American woman. But, we have broken barriers, statistics, and we are honestly doing our thing when it comes to entrepreneurship and careers.

What is sometimes sad is that we as women feel insecure, can be jealous, and want to compete with other women because we don't want them to get to the top spot? LET'S JUST KEEP IT ALL THE WAY REAL FOR A SECOND LADIES! You know this happens in the world everyday.


We also have women who love to empower other women, and support them. We see now that ladies are actually building a partnership and brand together. WHICH I THINK IS FABULOUS. Sometimes we don't realize that team work makes the dream work, and that if we help one another out we all could build our dreams and goals personally.


Enough chatting,

If you are a woman who has a sense of STYLE, a woman who is all into BEAUTY and MAKEUP, or you are an ENTREPRENEUR, working a 9-5, I want to feature you here on the THEE LIPSTICK CANVAS.

Not only will I ask women to be featured because I think that they are amazing at whatever it is that they are doing, I want you to be able to feature yourself to give us more insight into your business.

To be considered for a feature, contact me via email at :

Subject Line should state: Business Woman Files or BIG Business 1587

I look forward to shining some light on you all!

Lipstick & Love,


Thursday, April 2, 2015

Lifestyle: LIVE + Fitness

I've talked before about being alive but not truly feeling alive. It could be that you are drowned out by your career, your lifestyle, bad habits and/or relationships. 

One thing that has had me in this state has been my career, searching for purpose while pursuing passion. One day I woke up and decided that I no longer wanted to feel stressed and on top of that I no longer wanted to feel uncomfortable in my clothes and unhealthy. 

I woke up grabbed my Polar Fitness Watch, threw on clothes and plugged Pandora into my ears and started for a 30 minute walk. Upon that walk I felt motivated, released baggage, and kept pushing and I haven't stopped yet. 

I started March 8th, and it has felt really great. Now there have been setbacks such as this week, I've ate poorly and have had minimum exercise but trust me when I tell you I won't be giving up this time around. To see and feel those small changes is empowerment to keep going. 

Find someone who motivates you or find reasons why you should stay determined and BEGIN! Can't wait to show progress pics, more detailed food and exercise regimens, and workout gear. 



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