Monday, February 24, 2014

Lipstick Thoughts: Assets & Liabilities

Inspiration/ Thoughts/ Self Growth

Hello to you all. Back off the weekend, and halfway through our Monday at work eh? Hope that your weekend went well. My thoughts are on overflow usually while driving to work in the morning, scratch that my thoughts are always overflowing.. So I was thinking about assets and liabilities. Not the terms used when thinking of your home, or bank values. But Being an Asset or Liability in your own life, in your relationships, friendships and so on.

So first assets is what you have, liabilities are what you owe. In everything that you are connected to on a daily basis you are either adding to it or subtracting from it. You are either making a deposit or making a withdrawal. Now don't start beating yourself up if you feel like you aren't doing the first, just be conscious and aware of your situation-ships and began to filter and figure out how you can mainly be an asset.

You know the saying You have to bring something to the table? That's what it is in a nutshell, you want to put out more than you take in. Now at times we can't bring much to the table for we are still building a foundation for ourselves but our everyday effort brings something. It is about self growth, being aware of our lifestyle and decisions, and trying to be better each day.

Are you an asset or liability? Take time this week to stay in self awareness.

Lipstick & Love, XOXO

via Google Images

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