Thursday, January 23, 2014

Chasing Dreams: Paying the Cost for it.

Chasing our Dreams is a distinction of living and not living, our fantasy and our reality. Your dreams only become your reality when you take a step towards making it happen. But dreams can be confused with our true purpose. I believe that your true purpose is something you go to sleep thinking about, wake up too, and can't stop thinking about it. It is what you know so badly you were put on earth to do. It is not your get rich hustle or get known quick scheme. It is merely breathing life into what you love!

You have to pay the cost for your dreams. At times you will not make any money from it, when you first began you may be putting all of your money into your dreams. But showing your passion and perseverance while still working hard without any currency will eventually bring great rewards and benefits. You have to learn to start from something and build from there. It is like being an intern for yourself or for a company that brands what you want to do, and working your way from the bottom to the top.

Sometimes your dreams may require you to leave behind a current job that is stable which brings in your source of income to take care of yourself. Some people are not scared to leave their job and pursue their dreams full time. It may take moving to a state where your dream is known on the forefront and taking a low paying job for now; stable income vs minimum income. This will disrupt your financial stability but it will only disrupt it for a temporary time, just think there are bigger things ahead. Moving away can also mean getting a roommate, but just wait on it.... That penthouse that you have been eyeing is still in position to be yours.

I don't think that Chasing your Dreams only bring about negative effects and situations because in the end when you finally reach that level that you have been working so hard to get too it will leave you fulfilled and happy. Now I can't claim that once you get there it will be all gold and glitter because that would be like saying we never have any bad days. More Work, less Rest. But realizing the reward is far greater than the struggle. And always remember do not let others kill your vision because they don't have one of their own.

~Happy are those who dream and are ready to pay the price to make them come true ~ Leon J. Suenes

Photo Credit: Google Images

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