Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Lipstick Canvas: Lifestyle Inspiration

I absolutely loved this quote as soon as I seen it. Isn't it crazy how when you are struggling or not in the realm of where you should be, you see how others don't believe in you. They may downplay your motives, kill your dreams or belittle you. You can tell them of your dreams or the actions of your life plans and you see how they brush it off like she will never do it. 

But, as soon as you surpass to a new unexpected level you have people questioning how did you achieve this and that, now they are intimidated by your ambition and hard work. They question your achievements and accomplishments. You know why, because they didn't believe in you in the first place. 

Make sure to surround yourself by people who truly care about you and your life. Many don't want you to succeed and are only there to hear of your downfalls. 

I asked myself the same question after reading this quote. Erica, why are you stuck in the same position and feeling how you are when you the sky isn't even the limit, you can go above and beyond. It's time to change and transition my life. 

This quote speaks directly. Just reflect on it for one moment. It screams my name all over it. 

Photos: IG 

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